State Officials Worry About Budgetary Impacts of Trump’s ‘Concepts of a Plan’
State budget officials said Monday they were bracing for the possibility that Connecticut’s fiscal stability could be disrupted by reductions
State budget officials said Monday they were bracing for the possibility that Connecticut’s fiscal stability could be disrupted by reductions
Connecticut’s Department of Housing and the state Housing Finance Authority recently announced that they will contribute more than $57 million
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield reversed a decision last week regarding coverage of procedures using anesthesia following outcry and negotiation
Just seven months after it was demolished due to heavy damage in a May 2 vehicle fire, the Fairfield Avenue
In November, Connecticut’s Office of Tourism announced the Connecticut Christmas Movie Trail, which recognized 22 different holiday movies shot across
The latest national review of more 3,000 hospitals by the watchdog organization The Leapfrog Group saw Connecticut rise from 12th
Although recent precipitation has provided some temporary relief of Connecticut’s severe drought conditions, many experts say the drought is the
The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority voted 2-1 last week to reduce the revenues of Connecticut Natural Gas and Southern Connecticut
Connecticut’s latest consensus revenue report suggests the state will remain in a strong financial position in the coming years, bolstered
Just in time for the holiday season, the state Office of Tourism has released the first-ever Christmas Movie Trail, designed