Flood Compensation Program Helps Hundreds of Hartford Residents

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Credit Andrey Popov / Canva
Credit Andrey Popov / Canva

A Connecticut relief program has directed nearly $9 million to assist more than 500 Harford residents and property owners who were impacted by ground flooding, the Office of the State Comptroller announced in December.

The Hartford Flood Relief and Compensation Program was created in 2023 to assist Hartford homeowners and businesses whose property had been damaged by severe flooding in the city’s North End.

According to a new report from Comptroller Sean Scanlon’s office, the program has since provided $8,191,494.97 in relief to 523 property owners, renters, and business owners with another $565,803 in claims still in the works.

In a press release, Scanlon said the initiative had provided “tangible relief” to hundreds of residents and businesses.

“This program has demonstrated the positive impact government can have when we partner with communities to address chronic challenges and better the lives of citizens,” Scanlon said. “We would not have been able to do this without our legislative partners, community leaders, [program administrator] Dr. Gary Rhule, and the Blue Hills Civic Association.”

Originally funded at $5 million, the relief program was established and later expanded through advocacy by North End residents and support from Hartford-area legislators like Sen. Doug McCrory, D-Hartford.

In a press release, McCrory thanked everyone involved with administering the program for helping many Hartford residents put their lives back together in the aftermath of devastating floods.

“This program has been a lifesaver for many members of our community, who have been dealing for too long with the devastating impacts of flooding across the North End,” McCrory said. “This $9 million represents a direct response to the needs of our families.”

According to the comptroller, the program received more than 130 applications in the last several weeks before its application window closed on Dec. 2. Scanlon said some properties were still awaiting home inspections. He proposed allocating additional funding for the program during the legislative session that begins on Jan. 8.

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